To start things off, I have to first apologize for my absence. I realize it has been FOR.EV.ER since I've graced your computer screens with my energetic and whitty fashion critiques, however absence makes the heart grow fonder. So with that, I promise I will be more prompt with my posts.
It has been about three weeks since I started school, and I can already tell by the freshman roaming the campus, that this years fashions are just waiting for me to sink my teeth into them! As for this post, I have a major "problem" I'd like to address. This is just a basic concept that I would have hoped to believe everyone would understand: When getting dressed for the day, and you've put the effort into your hair and make-up, why not just go the whole nine yards and put the appropriate clothing on! I can't fathom why someone would put on a very nice top and then wear soffe shorts!!! can't be serious. Lets just take the extra TWO SECONDS and put on a pair of jeans. It is just not that complicated. Also, yoga pants are NOT daily attire. Yes, they are great for lounging around the apartment, and hey, I wear them to class sometimes with other "comfy" articles of clothing. BUT, when you are wearing a sweatshirt, yoga pants, and high-heeled boots, you need to check yourself. I'm sure sneakers would have sufficed.
Part of this blog, is to help those of you who fall under the unfortunate happening written in these posts. So, in order to make the world a better dressed place, my solution to these fashion-nots would be, when in doubt, throw on jeans. They are the go to in every outfit. And if you just got an awesome pair of heeled boots, either wait to wear them with a particular outfit, or again, put on jeans!! I am telling you, jeans are always safe bet.
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